NB! 27 MHz CB and related radios can be found in their own area.
FreeNet is used in Germany. Initially max 500 mW and built-in, non-removable antenna, but 1 W was allowed from 2019-05-13.
FRS is for use in the US and Canada.
LPD Europe is for european use, sadly in the middle of our 70 cm ham band!
LPD Japan the Japanese call it "Mini set"
MURS is for use in the US
PMR446 is for european use.
dPMR446 is allocated in the same band as PMR446 but with digital voice and 6.25 KHz channel raster.
PRS/UHF CB is for Malaysia (14 ch), Australia & New Zealand (40 ch).
SRBR/KDR is for use in Sweden and Norway.
SRD860 for Europe (Not all countries though). Maximum 5 mW ERP and built-in, non-removable antenna
2.4 GHz SRD for use almost worldwide.
WLAN. Various "radios" utilizing Wireless LAN connections as transport.
43 MHz Italy. Max 4 W.
49 MHz USA is an american part 15 band.
Unverified. Various gear for use in unknown areas.
Common for these services is that they are all license free for general use by the public.
Modulation is mostly narrow FM (NFM) with ±5 KHz deviation except for FRS and PMR446 which are limited to ±2.5 KHz.
There is also Digital Voice on PMR446 and 2.4 GHz SRD.
Check out the frequencies in question.
NB! If you plan to bring your license-free radios on vacation abroad, make sure they're actually approved for use where you're going.
The frequency band may have completely different usage, and you wouldn't want to have the local law enforcement in your hair, right?
For example, american FRS transceivers are NOT allowed in Europe as the band is reserved for commercial / professional users.
License free transceivers are normally cheap, and it's highly recommended you buy these locally to avoid getting into trouble.
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
| | | Bidatong BD-FreeNet | 500 mW | 6 | xxxx | |
| | | Maas PT-4200 | 500 mW | 6 | xxxx | |
| | | Team 2208 | 500 mW | 6 | xxxx | |
| | | Team IP3 FreeNet | 1 W | 6 | 202x | |
| | | Team TeCom IPX5 FreeNet | 1 W | 6 | 202x | |
| | | Team TeCom IPZ5 FreeNet | 1 W | 6 | 202x | |
| | | Team TeCom LC FreeNet | 500 mW | 6 | 201x | |
| | | Team Mico FreeNet | 1 W | 6 | 202x | |
| | | Team TeCom SL | 1 W | 6 | 202x | |
FRS (Family Radio Service)
LPD Europe (Low Power Device)
LPD Japan "Mini set" (Low Power Device)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 | | | Kenwood UBZ-LH20 | 10 mW | 20 | xxxx | |
 | | | Maruhama MTS-100DX | 10 mW | 20 | xxxx | |
MURS (Multi-Use Radio System)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 |  | | Radioddity MU-5 | 2 W | 5 / 250 | 2022 | RX: 88-108 / 136-174 / 400-520 MHz. NOAA WX channels |
PMR446 (Private Mobile Radio 446 MHz)
dPMR446 (Digital Private Mobile Radio 446 MHz)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
| | | Alinco DJ-PAX4 | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Dynascan DA-350 | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
 |  | | Icom IC-F29SDR | 500 mW | 32+16 | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Kenwood TK-3401D | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Kenwood TK-3601D | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Kenwood TK-3701D | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Midland D-200 | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Motorola XT-660d | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
| | | Motorola XT-665d | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode + LPD |
| | | Wouxun KG-D26 | 500 mW | | 20xx | Dual mode |
PRS / UHF CB (Public Radio Service)
SRBR / KDR (Short Range Business Radio / KortDistansRadio)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 | | | Icom IC-F4SR | 1 W | 8 | 199x | |
 | | | Kenwood TK-361 | 1 W | 4 | 199x | |
 | | | Zodiac Freetalk | 1 W | 6 | 199x | |
SRD860 (Short Range Device 860 MHz)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 | | | Alinco DJ-S800 | 5 mW | | 2011 | |
 | | | Midland/Alan 860 | 5 / 25 mW | | 2011 | |
2.4 GHz SRD (Short Range Device)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
| | | Icom IC-F4029 SDR | ? mW | | 20xx | Digital/FHSS |
| | | Motorola DTR-2430 | 100 mW | | 20xx | Digital/FHSS |
 |  | | Motorola DTR-2450 | 100 mW | | 200x | Digital/FHSS |
WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network)
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 | | | Icom IP-100H | 100 mW | | 2013 | |
43 MHz Italy
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 | | | Alan HM-43 | 4 W | 24 | 19xx | |
 | | | Dragon MX-430 | 4 W | 24 | 20xx | |
 | | | Intek K-43 | 4 W | 24 | 19xx | |
 | | | Intek SY-343 | 4 W | 24 | 19xx | |
 | | | Intek SY-5430M | 4 W | 24 | 19xx | |
49 MHz USA
Pix | Doc | Mod | Model | Max O/P | Channels | Year | Quicknote |
 | | | Alan RC-1000 | 10 mW | | 199x | |
 | | | Dragon SY-5430 | 25 W | 224 | 20xx | Probably Ukraine market |