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AOR AR-5000+3

A picture of AOR AR-5000+3


Type:HF/VHF/UHF receiver/scanner
Frequency range:0.01-2600 MHz (Cellular blocked in the USA)
Tuning steps: 1 / 10 / 50 / 100 / 500 Hz
1 / 5 / 6.25 / 9 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 / 100 / 500 KHz
1 MHz
Custom step: Any between 1 Hz to 999.999999 KHz
Frequency stability: Less than 2 ppm in the first hour after cold start
Less than 0.1 ppm thereafter
Mode:AM / Synchro-AM / FM / WFM / SSB / CW
Channels / memory management: 2000 regular with alpha tags in 20 banks @ 25 or 45 ch/sec
2100 pass channels
1 priority
Non-volatile EEPROM storage
There is actually a supercap inside, but it's the clock backup (Up to 50 hours without external power)
Power supply:12-16 VDC (3-pin connector)
Current drain / power consumption:Max 1 A
Antenna impedance / connector:50 ohm / One N-jack and one SO-239, switchable
NB! Max recommended input signal level without damage is +17 dBm
Dimensions (W*H*D):217*100*260 mm (8.54*3.94*10.24")
Weight:3.5 Kg (7.72 lb)
Other features: Five VFO's. RS232C. Sleep timer. 10.7 MHz IF output (±5 MHz bandwidth).
10 MHz reference input. Discriminator output. AFC & NB. DTMF decoder.

Receiver system: Triple conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 622 MHz
2nd IF: 10.7 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S/N)
10-40 KHz: 63 uV
40-100 KHz: 4.5 uV
0.1-2 MHz: 2.3 uV
2-40 MHz: 1.25 uV
40-2600 MHz: 0.63 uV
FM (12 dB SINAD)
2-40 MHz: 0.56 uV
40-1000 MHz: 0.4 uV
1000-2600 MHz: 0.36 uV
2-40 MHz: 1.6 uV
40-1000 MHz: 1.25 uV
1000-2600 MHz: 0.9 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S/N)
10-40 KHz: 17.7 uV
40-100 KHz: 1.25 uV
0.1-40 MHz: 0.4 uV
40-2600 MHz: 0.3 uV
Squelch sensitivity:
Noise figure:
Selectivity:Selectable bandwidths: 3 / 6 / 15 / 30 / 110 & 220 KHz (500 Hz option)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker:1.7 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector:TS "Minijack" (3.5 mm)

Manufactured:Japan, 1997-200x (Discontinued)
Additional info: Same as AR-5000 but with Synchro-AM, NB and AFC added.
New price 1998 in the US: $2095.95
Related documents: User manual (2.5 MB)
+3 manual addendum (155 KB)
Manual addendum (85 KB)
RS-232C command list (279 KB)
Bulletin (175 KB)
Service manual (30.1 MB)
Modifications and fixes:
Reviews:Popular Communications: April 2000, page 60
Options / Accessories:
VHF civil airband filter
Antenna switch. Automatic and front panel switching between four antennas
Tape recorder cable
CTCSS/PL tone board. Search and squelch operations
VHF/UHF discone antenna. 25-2000 MHz
DC power lead
Speech inverter board
Desktop active loop antenna. 1.6-15 MHz standard (0.2-0.54 MHz with optional elements)
Mobile VHF/UHF loaded whip antenna on magmount with coax
Collins mechanical SSB filter, 2.5 KHz
Collins mechanical AM filter, 5.5 KHz
Collins mechanical CW filter, 500 Hz
Spectrum display unit
Spectrum display unit
Wide band active whip antenna. 30 KHz to 30 MHz. Non-active from 30-2000 MHz
A rear picture of AOR AR-5000+3