Abbr. | Meaning |
A | Ampere |
A-FHSS | Adaptive Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum |
AC | Alternating Current |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACELP | Adaptice Code Excited Linear Prediction |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
AF | Audio Frequency |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control |
AFSK | Audio Frequency Shift Keying |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AIS | Automatic Identification System |
ALE | Automatic Link Establishment |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AMC | Automatic Modulation Control |
AMPS | Advanced Mobile Phone System |
AMTOR | AMateur Teleprinting Over Radio |
ANL | Automatic Noise Limiter |
AOS | Acquisition Of Signal (or Satellite) |
APRS | Automatic Packet/Position reporting System |
APT | Automatic Picture Transmission |
AQS | Amateur Quinmatic System |
ARES | Amateur Radio Emergency Service |
ARISS | Amateur Radio on the International Space Station |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat reQuest |
ARRL | American Radio Relay League |
ARS | Automatic Repeater Shift |
ASAS | Airborne Separation Assurance System |
ASC | Automatic Squelch Control |
ASK | Amplitude Shift Keying |
ASTRID | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Belgium |
ATC | Air Traffic Controller |
ATT | Attenuator |
ATV | Amateur TeleVision |
AWI | Antenna Warning Indicator |
BC | BroadCasting |
BER | Bit Error Rate |
BGA | Ball Grid Array (A type of surface-mount package for IC's) |
Bit banging | Hex editing |
BJT | Bipolar Junction Transistor |
BMS | Battery Management System |
BNC | Bayonet Neill Concelman (A type of RF connector) |
BOSNET | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Germany |
BPL | Broadband over Power Lines |
BSM | Blind Spot Monitoring (A vehicle lane change collision warning system) |
BW | Band width |
C2000 | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in the Netherlands |
CAS | Carrier Activated Squelch |
CB | Citizen Band |
CBRS | Citizen Band Radio Service (Australia) |
CC | Constant Current |
CCK | Complementary Code Keying |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access |
CERDIP | CERamic Dual In-line Package |
CME | Coronal Mass Ejection |
CMT | Cellular Mobile Telephones |
CMOS | Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
COF | Chip On Film |
COFDM | Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex |
COR | Carrier Operated Relay |
COS | Carrier Operated Switch |
CPFSK | Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying |
CPM | Continuous Phase Modulation |
CSS | Chirp Spread Spectrum |
CTC | Communications Transistor Corporation |
CTCSS | Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System (Same as PL) |
CV | Constant Voltage |
CW | Continuous Wave |
D-STAR | Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcasting |
DAB+ | Digital Audio Broadcasting Plus (Newer and more efficient compression) |
DATV | Digital Amateur TeleVision |
DC | Direct Current |
DCS | Digital Coded Squelch |
DECT | Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications |
DF | Dissipation Factor |
DF | Direction Finding |
DIMM | Dual In-line Memory Module |
DIP | Dual In-line Package |
DMO | Direct Mode Operation (TETRA) |
DMR | Digital Mobile Radio |
DOTAC | Department of Transport and Communications (Australia) |
DPMR | Digital Personal Mobile Radio |
DQPSK | Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying |
DRM | Digital Radio Mondiale |
DRO | Dielectric Resonator Oscillator |
DSB | Double Side Band |
DSC | Digital Selective Calling |
DSS | Digital Spread Spectrum |
DSSS | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum |
DTMF | Dual Tone Multi Frequency (also known as Touch Tone) |
DUT | Device Under Test |
DW | Dual Watch |
ECC | European Communications Committee |
ECPA | Electronics Communications Privacy Act |
ECR | Exalted Carrier Reception |
ECSS | Exalted Carrier Selectable Sideband |
EHF | Extremely High Frequency (30 - 300 GHz) |
EMC | ElectroMagnetic Compatibility |
EME | Earth-Moon-Earth (Moonbounce) |
EMG | Emergency |
EMI | ElectroMagnetic Interference |
EMS | Emergency Medical Service |
EOM | Ethernet Over Mains |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon |
ERC | European Radiocommunications Committee |
ESD | ElectroStatic Discharge |
ESR | Equivalent Series Resistance |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
EUT | Equipment Under Test |
EWF | Emergency Warning Function |
F | Farad (Capacitance) |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission (USA) |
FEC | Forward Error Correction |
FET | Field Effect Transistor |
FHSS | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standard |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FM-N | Frequency Modulation Narrow (Same as NFM) |
FM-W | Frequency Modulation Wide (Same as WFM) |
FPGA | Field-Programmable Gate Array |
FRS | Family Radio Service |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying |
FSTV | Fast Scan TeleVision (See also ATV) |
FUN | Function |
GFSK | Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying |
GFW | Global Frequency Warning |
GHz | GigaHertz (1 GHz = 1000 MHz) |
GMDSS | Global Marine Distress and Safety System |
GMRS | General Mobile Radio Service |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying |
GND | Ground |
GP | Ground Plane |
GPR | Ground Penetrating Radar |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GSM | Global System for Mobile communication |
GTO | Geostationary Transfer Orbit |
H | Henry (Inductance) |
HALT | Highly AcceLerated Testing |
HEO | High Earth Orbit |
HF | High Frequency (3 - 30 MHz) |
HRPT | High Resolution Picture Transmission |
HT | Handie Talkie (Portable transceiver) |
Hz | Hertz |
I/O | Input/Output |
IARU | International Amateur Radio Union |
IC | Integrated Circuit |
ICS | Intermittent Communication Service |
ID | Identification |
IDAS | Icom Digital Advanced System |
IF | Intermediate Frequency |
IFSS | Interference Free Signal Strength |
IFT | Intermediate Frequency Transformer |
IP | Ingress Protection |
IP | Intercept Point |
IRLP | Internet Radio Linking Project |
ISI | InterSymbol Interference |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific & Medical |
ISS | International Space Station |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IVT | In-Vehicle Technology |
JEDEC | Joint Electronics Device Engineering Council |
JFET | Junction gate Field Effect Transistor |
JRCC | Joint Rescue Co-ordination Center (Sweden Rescue, maritime and aeronautical) |
KDR | KortDistansRadio (Swedish, = Short distance radio) |
KHz | KiloHertz (1 KHz = 1000 Hz) |
LCR | Last Channel Recall |
LDMOS | Laterally Diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
LDO | Low Drop Out |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit |
LF | Low Frequency (30 - 300 KHz) |
LIDAR | Laser Imaging Detection And Ranging |
LNA | Low Noise Amplifier |
LNB | Low Noise Block downconverter |
LOS | Loss Of Signal (or Satellite) |
LPAM | Low Power AM (Max 1 W in the UK) |
LPD | Low Power Device |
LSB | Lower Side Band |
LUF | Lowest Usable Frequency |
LVD | Low Voltage Directive |
LVDS | Low-Voltage Differential Signaling |
LW | LongWave |
MCU | MicroController Unit |
MCW | Modulated Continuous Wave |
MDS | Minimum Discernable Signal |
MECO | Main Engine CutOff |
MELF | Metal Electrode Leadless Face |
MELP | Mixed-Excitation Linear Predictive |
MELPe | Mixed-Excitation Linear Predictive enhanced |
MEPT | Manned Experimental Propagation Transmitter |
MER | Modulation Error Ratio |
MF | Medium Frequency (300 - 3000 KHz) |
MF | Mellanfekvens (Swedish) = Intermediate Frequency |
MFSK | Multiple Frequency Shift Keying |
MHz | MegaHertz (1 MHz = 1000 KHz) |
MIMCO | Marconi International Marine COmpany |
MMI | Man-Machine Interface |
MMIC | Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit |
MOSFET | Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor |
MPPT | Maximum Power Point Tracker (A type of solar charger) |
MSK | Minimum Shift Keying |
MUF | Maximum Usable Frequency |
MURS | Multi Use Radio System |
MW | Medium Wave |
N | Neill (A type of RF connector) |
NAVTEX | NAVigational TEleX |
NB | Noise Blanker |
NDB | Non-Directional Beacon |
NFM | Narrow Frequency Modulation (Ambiguous, usually a BW of approximately 10 or 16 KHz, depending on manufacturer, but in modern terms, a BW of max ~10 KHz (±2.5 KHz deviation) would be more correct) |
NIM | Network Interface Module (Basically a tuner and demodulator in one unit) |
NOAA | National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration |
NOMS | New Old Military Stock |
NOS | New Old Stock |
NPTH | Non-Plated Through Holes |
NR | Noise Reduction |
NRC | Noise Reduction Circuit |
NTSC | National Television Systems Committee. (525 lines) |
NVIS | Near Vertical Incidence Skywave |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
OIRT | Organisation Internationale de Radiodiffusion et de Television |
OOK | On-Off Keying |
PA | Power Amplifier |
PAL | Phase Alternating Line |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PAS | Personal Access System |
PBT | Pass Band Tuning |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation |
PDIP | Plastic Dual In-line Package |
PDSL | Power line Digital Subscriber Line |
PFC | Power Factor Correction |
PHEMT | Pseudomorphic High Electron Mobility Transistor |
PHS | Personal Handy-phone System |
PIM | Passive InterModulation |
PL | Private Line (Same as CTCSS, but a Motorola trademark) |
PLB | Personal Locating Beacon |
PLC | Power Line Communication/Carrier |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop |
PLN | Power Line Networking |
PLT | Power Line Telecom |
PM | Phase Modulation |
PMR | Personal Mobile Radio |
POCSAG | Post Office Code Standardization Advisory Group |
PPM | Pulse Position Modulation |
PSK | Phase Shift Keying |
PSOC | Programmable System-On-Chip |
PSOP | Plastic Small Outline Package |
PTH | Plated Through Holes |
PTS | Post & TeleStyrelsen (Swedish Post & Telecom Agency) |
PTT | Push To Talk |
PTZ | Pan-Tilt-Zoom (Cameras) |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation |
QFN | Quad Flat No-lead package |
QFP | Quad Flat Package |
QPSK | Quad Phase Shift Keying |
QSOP | Quarter size Outline Package |
RACES | Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service |
RADAR | RAdio Detection And Ranging |
RAKEL | RAdioKommunikation för Effektiv Ledning. The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Sweden |
RAPS | Räddningstjänst, Ambulans, Polis och SOS Alarm (Sweden) |
RDD | Radar detector detector |
RDF | Radio Direction Finding |
RED | Radio Equipment Directive |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFID | Radio Frequency IDentification |
RIT | Receiver Incremental Tuning |
RMDR | Reciprocal Mixing Dynamic Range |
RMS | Root Mean Square |
RO | Radio Operator |
RoHS | Restriction of certain Hazardous Substances |
RPT | Repeater |
RSGB | Radio Society of Great Britain |
RSS | Radio Service Software (Motorola) |
RSSI | Received Signal Strength Indicator |
R&TTE | Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment |
RTTY | Radio TeleTYpe |
RX | Receive/Receiver |
RöV | Röntgenverordnung (X-ray regulation), in Germany |
SAME | Specific Area Message Encoding |
SAR | Search And Rescue |
SARL | South African Radio League |
SART | Search And Rescue Transponder |
SCR | Silicon Controlled Rectifier (A type of thyristor) |
SDR | Software Defined Radio |
SHF | Super High Frequency (3 - 30 GHz) |
SINE | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Denmark |
SIMM | Single In-line Memory Module |
SIP | Single In-line Package |
SIPP | Single In-line Pin Package |
SIRESP | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Portugal |
SITOR | SImplex Telex Over Radio |
SK | Silent Key (Deceased) |
SMA | Surface-Mount Assembly (Module assembled with SMT) |
SMC | Surface-Mount Components |
SMD | Surface-Mount Device |
SMP | Surface-Mount Packages (SMD case forms) |
SMT | Surface-Mount Technology |
SoC | System-On-a-Chip |
SOD | Small Outline Diode |
SOIC | Small Outline Integrated Circuit |
SOJ | Small Outline J-leaded package |
SOP | Small Outline Package |
SOT | Small Outline Transistor |
SRBR | Short Range Business Radio |
SRD | Short Range Device |
SSB | Single Side Band |
SSDV | Slow Scan Digital Video - A packetised digital form of SSTV |
SSOP | Shrink Small Outline Package |
SSPA | Solid State Power Amplifier |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
SST | Spread Spectrum Technology |
SSTV | Slow Scan TeleVision |
STS | Special Telecommunications Service. The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Romania |
SW | Shortwave |
SwMI | Switching and Management Infrastructure |
SWR | Standing Wave Ratio |
SWS | Safety Warning System |
TAC | TalkAround Channel |
TACS | Total Access Communication System. A variant of AMPS |
TBS | TETRA Base Station |
TCA | Time of Closest Approach |
TCXO | Temperature Compensated Xtal Oscillator |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access |
TDOA | Time Difference Of Arrival |
TEA | TETRA Encryption Algorithm |
TEP | TransEquatorial Propagation |
TETRA | TErrestial Trunked RAdio |
TETRON | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Austria |
THz | TeraHertz (1 THz = 1000 GHz) |
TMC | Traffic Message Channel |
TMO | Trunked Mode Operation (TETRA) |
TNC | Terminal Node Controller (Basically a packet modem with built-in advanced functions under CPU control) |
TNC | Threaded Neill Concelman (A type of RF connector) |
TRRS | Tip Ring Ring Sleeve - A type of 4-pole, 3.5 mm (1/8") connector, also called "minijack". |
TRS | Tip Ring Sleeve - A type of 3-pole, 3.5 mm (1/8") connector, also called "minijack". |
TS | Tip Sleeve - A type of 2-pole, 3.5 mm (1/8") connector, also called "minijack". |
TS | Tuning Steps |
TSOP | Thin Small Outline Package |
TSOT | Thin Small Outline Transistor |
TSSOP | Thin Shrink Small Outline Package |
TT&C | Telemtry, Tracking and Command |
TV | TeleVision |
TWS | Traffic Warning System (Safety alerts) |
TX | Transmit/Transmitter |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency (300 - 3000 MHz) |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telephone System |
USB | Upper Side Band |
V | Volt |
Vcc | Positive supply (originally on a bipolar component). Most common in all modern IC datasheets |
Vdd | Positive supply (originally on a FET/CMOS component) |
VDMOS | Vertical laterally Double-diffused Metal Oxide Semiconductor |
Vee | Negative supply or ground (originally on a bipolar component). Most modern datasheets now refers to Gnd |
VFD | Vacuum Fluorescent Display |
VFO | Variable Frequency Oscillator |
VHF | Very High Frequency (30 - 300 MHz) |
VIRVE | The police/fire/ambulance TETRA network in Finland |
VLF | Very Low Frequency (3 - 30 KHz) |
VMSK | Very Minimum Shift Keying |
VNA | Vector Network Analyzer |
VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Radio range |
VOX | Voice Operated switch / Voice Operated eXchange |
VPA | Voltage Probe Antenna |
Vpp | Programming voltage (usually on a memory chip or MCU) |
VSB | Vestigial Side Band |
WSPR | Weak Signal Propagation Reporter |
Vss | Negative supply or ground (originally on a FET/CMOS component). Most modern datasheets now refers to Gnd |
VSWR | Voltage Standing Wave Ratio |
VTS | Vessel Traffic Service |
VTVM | Vacuum Tube VoltMeter |
WDECT | Wideband Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications |
WEEE | Waste Electrical and Electronic Directive |
WFM | Wide Frequency Modulation (Normal broadcast FM quality, about 150-230 KHz BW) |
WiRES-II | Wide-coverage InteRnet Enhancement System version 2 (A VoIP system introduced in 2002 by Yaesu) |
WVDC | Working Volts Direct Current |
XFC | Transmit Frequency Check |
XIT | Transmitter Incremental Tuning |
XTAL | Crystal |
ZF | ZwischenFrequenz (German) = Intermediate frequency |