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Last modified 2024-05-26

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Zetagi MB+5

A picture of Zetagi MB+5


Type:Amplified desk microphone
Frequency response:250-3500 Hz (-6 dB)
Sensitivity:? dB (? Hz, ? cm)
Output level:? mV
Output impedance / connector:0 to 5 Kohm / ?-pin (Female locking ring plug)
Power supply:9 VDC (6LR61 / PP3 / E battery)
Current drain:? mA
Dimensions (W*H*D):95*160*230 mm (3.74*6.3*9.06")
Weight:1.1 Kg (2.42 lb)
Manufactured:Italy, 201x-202x
Other: Gain and tone controls. PTT lock. VU-meter.
Early version had a ceramic cartridge, while the
later is electret.

New price, december 2023 in Sweden: SEK 1295:-
Related documents:User manual (110 KB, Multi language)
Modifications and fixes:
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