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Last modified 2024-05-26

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Telex CB-73 "Double header"

A picture of Telex CB-73 Double header, transparent version
A rear picture of Telex CB-73 Double header, transparent version


Type:Amplified hand microphone
Frequency response:? Hz (-6 dB)
Sensitivity:? dB (? Hz, ? cm)
Output level:? mV
Output impedance / connector:? ohm / ?
Power supply:7.5 VDC (Type 175 / 5MR44 / 1501 battery)
Current drain:? mA
Dimensions (W*H*D):50*95*30 mm (1.97*3.74*1.18")
Weight:270 g (9.52 oz), with cord
Manufactured:USA, 197x-197x (Discontinued)
Other: Noise cancelling function.
Gray or transparent case.
In Sweden, we called the transparent one "Akvariemicken" which
means "The aquarium mike" in english.
Was available in three versions:
Relay switching (CB-73 R / 63373-000)
Electronic switching (CB-73 E / 63373-001)
Special switching (CB-73 S / 63373-002)
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