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Last modified 2024-05-26

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President Liberty / Liberty-Mic

A picture of President Liberty / Liberty-Mic


Type:Wireless speaker-microphone
Frequency response:? Hz (-6 dB)
Sensitivity:? dB (? Hz, ? cm)
Output level:? mV
Output impedance / connector:? ohm / 6-pin (Female locking ring plug)
Power supply: Microphone: ? VDC (BT-914 Ni-MH battery)
Typical battery life: 8 hours
Base unit: 12-24 VDC
Current drain: Microphone: ? mA
Base unit: ? mA
Dimensions (W*H*D):Microphone: ? mm
Base unit: ? mm (?")
Weight:Microphone: ? g (? oz)
Base unit: ? g (? oz)
Manufactured:200x-202x (Discontinued)
Other: DECT standard (1880-1900 MHz). Usable range
up to 100 m depending on surroundings.

New price 2015 in Sweden: SEK 995:-
Related documents: Brochure (4.2 MB)
User manual (5.8 MB, Multi language)
Applicable radios:Many 6-pin President CB's