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Last modified 2025-02-15

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Kenwood TM-D750A

A picture of Kenwood TM-D750A
NB! Specifications are preliminary and will be updated as more details become available, hopefully later in 2025.
Will this radio also have SSB, CW and WFM receive like its handheld sibling TH-D75A? That would be a bonus.


Type:Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range: USA
TX: 144-148 / 222-225 / 430-450 MHz
RX: 118-524 / 800-1300 MHz
Tuning steps:5 / 6.25 / 8.33 / 10 / 12.5 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 / 100 KHz
Frequency stability:±? ppm
Mode:TX: FM / NFM / DV (D-Star)
RX: AM / FM / NFM / DV (D-Star)
Channels / memory management: 1000 regular with alpha tags
Non volatile EEPROM storage
Repeater shift / offset:±0 to 29.95 MHz in 50 KHz steps
Power supply:13.8 VDC
Current drain / power consumption:RX: ? mA
TX: Max ? A
Antenna impedance / connector:50 ohm / ?
Dimensions (W*H*D): Body: ? mm (?")
Panel: 183*93*? mm (7.22*3.66*?")
Weight: Body: ? Kg (? lb)
Panel: ? g (? oz)
Other features: Built-in 1200/9600 bd KISS TNC with APRS. 3.45" color TFT. WLAN.
Bluetooth. USB-C. Extensive voice guidance. Micro-SD card slot.
D-Star reflector terminal mode. GPS. Twin RX.

Receiver system: ? conversion superheterodyne
Squelch sensitivity:
Noise figure:
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker:? mW at ?% distortion / ? ohm
External speaker connector:

RF output power:

2 m:50 W? W? W
1.25 m:50 W?? W? W
70 cm:50 W? W? W
Modulation system:
Max FM deviation (Factory set):FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions:Better than -60 dB
Microphone impedance / connector:? ohm / ?-pin (Modular)
Microphone input level:? mV

Additional info:
Related documents:
Modifications and fixes:
Options / Accessories:
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