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Last modified 2024-03-10

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AnyTone AT-D878UV

A picture of AnyTone AT-D878UV


Type:Amateur VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range:136-174 / 400-480 MHz
Tuning steps:2.5 / 5 / 6.25 / 10 / 12.5 / 20 / 25 / 30 / 50 KHz
Frequency stability:? ppm
Mode:FM / NFM / DMR (Tier I & II)
Channels / memory management: 4000 regular
Repeater shift / offset:±
Power supply:7.4 VDC (Li-Ion battery pack)
Current drain / power consumption:RX: ? mA
TX: ? A
Antenna impedance / connector:50 ohms / SMA
Dimensions (W*H*D):61*129*39 mm (2.4*5.08*1.54")
Weight:282 g (9.95 oz), with 2100 mAh battery pack and antenna
Other features: Analog APRS (TX only) and DMR APRS (TX/RX). GPS.
1.7" TFT display. 10000 talk groups and 200000 contacts.
Auto-sense DMR or FM reception. Bluetooth option.

Receiver system: ?
Sensitivity: FM: 0.25 uV (12 dB SINAD)
NFM: 0.35 uV (12 dB SINAD)
DMR: 0.3 uV (BER 5%)
Selectivity:FM: 70 dB (Adjacent channel)
NFM: 60 dB (Adjacent channel)
Image rejection:
AF output power / speaker:1 W at 5% distortion / 16 ohm
External speaker connector:

RF output power:

HighMidLow 1Low 2
2 m:7 W5 W2.5 W1 W
70 cm:6 W5 W2.5 W1 W
Modulation system:DMR: 4FSK
Max FM deviation (Factory set):FM: ±5 KHz
NFM: ±2.5 KHz
Spurious emissions:Better than -36 dB
Microphone impedance / connector:? ohms / ?-pin
Microphone input level:? mV

Manufactured:China, 2018-20xx (Discontinued)
Additional info:New price 2020 in Sweden: SEK 2395:-
Related documents:User manual (892 KB)
Modifications and fixes:
Options / Accessories:
Programming cable, USB
Li-Ion battery pack. 2100 mAh
Li-Ion battery pack. 3100 mAh
Programming software
Car charger
Battery eliminator with cigarrette lighter plug
Bluetooth unit