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Kenwood R-2000

A picture of Kenwood R-2000


Type:HF (VHF) receiver
Frequency range:0.15-30 MHz (118-174 MHz option)
Tuning steps:50 / 500 Hz, 5 KHz
Frequency stability:Within ±50 Hz during any 30 minute period after 60 minutes warmup
Mode:AM / FM / SSB / CW
Channels / memory management: 10 regular
Power supply:Mains: 100 / 120 / 220 / 240 VAC
or 13.8 VDC option
Current drain / power consumption:14 W (No signal) @ mains
600 mA (No signal) @ 13.8 VDC
Antenna impedance / connector:50-75 ohm / SO-239
500 ohm / Spring terminals
Dimensions (W*H*D):375*115*210 mm (14.76*4.53*8.27")
Weight:5.5 Kg (12.13 lb)
Other features: Four-step attenuator: 0-10-20-30 dB. Dual clocks with timer. Tone control.
Slow/Fast AGC selector. NB. Dimmer. All mode squelch circuit. Scanning.

Receiver system: Triple conversion superheterodyne
1st IF: 45.9 MHz
2nd IF: 9.9 MHz
3rd IF: 455 KHz
Sensitivity: AM (10 dB S+N/N): 0.15-2 MHz <20 uV, 2-30 MHz <4 uV
FM (20 dB S+N/N): 2-30 MHz <1 uV
SSB/CW (10 dB S+N/N): 0.15-2 MHz <2 uV, 2-30 MHz <0.4 uV
Squelch sensitivity: AM/SSB/CW: Less than 3.12 uV (Threshold)
FM: Less than 0.5 uV (Threshold)
Noise figure:
Selectivity: AM-Wide
6 KHz (-6 dB)
18 KHz (-50 dB)
2.7 KHz (-6 dB)
5 KHz (-50 dB)
15 KHz (-6 dB)
30 KHz (-50 dB)
2.7 KHz (-6 dB)
5 KHz (-50 dB)
CW-Narrow (With optional YG-455C CW filter)
500 Hz (-6 dB)
820 Hz (-60 dB)
Image rejection:>70 dB
AF output power / speaker:1.5 W at 10% distortion / 8 ohm
External speaker connector:TS "Minijack" (3.5 mm), 4-16 ohm

Manufactured:Japan, 1982-1992 (Discontinued)
Additional info: New price january 1983 in Sweden: SEK 5154:-
New price december 1985 in Sweden: SEK 5537:-
Related documents: User manual (4.3 MB, in english/german/french/spanish)
Service manual (6.8 MB)
Modifications and fixes:
Options / Accessories:
13.8 VDC option
Digital world clock
Communication headphones
Internal VHF converter unit. 118-174 MHz
500 Hz narrow CW filter